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MRCAS - Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery (MRCAS) Lab

Dr. Zenati is uniquely positioned as the Chief of Cardiac Surgery at a major healthcare center, while simultaneously running the Medical Robotics and Computer-Assisted Surgery (MRCAS) Lab at the VA Boston Healthcare System in West Roxbury, MA. As a surgeon practicing for almost 30 years, the research he leads has a direct impact on the clinical care he delivers on a daily basis. It is his acknowledgment of human fallibilities that drives his passion to better the quality of care delivered in the operating room. His history of high-quality federal funding, novel research and discoveries, and subsequent high-impact publications is a testament to the importance of these issues.

Chief, Division of Cardiac Surgery, VA Boston Healthcare System
Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Chair, National Surgery Office, Cardiothoracic Surgery Scientific Advisory Board

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